Mrs. McLain – Woman of many faces
Interview by Andrew Dutcher
Mrs. McLain is a math teacher. Every day, Room 310 becomes a center for arithmetic as McLain teaches students the one-two-threes of math. Mrs. McLain is also the department chair for the math department, meaning she is somewhat responsible for the other math teachers.

How long have you taught at GV? This is my second year at this school. Before that I taught at Santa Barbara Junior High, and before that, at DANA middle school. Have you always taught math? Yeah pretty much. Except for that I used to also teach science. Where were you born? I was born just south of here, in Los Angeles, California. What is your favorite thing to do with your students during the year? All the activities we do... I’d have to say I love when we do the shoe project, or maybe when we play Integer Wars. Have you read any good books lately? I recently read the entire Harry Potter series. Why? Hasn’t everyone read those? Yeah, so had I. I was re-reading them. They’re a really great series. What is your dream job? You know, the job you’ve always wanted to have. I’ve always wanted to be on one of those travel shows that pay you to go all these different places in luxury. It seems perfect to be able to do what you love and get paid for it! What are your opinions on our current governments? You know, there are lots of people out there that just want to help other people, so they go to the government to do that. However, there are also a lot of bad people who see the government as a way to help themselves, without thinking about other people. Do you have any hobbies? Oh, yes. I go skydiving, I scuba dive, and I play the piano. Plus I have kids. Wow! How’d you get into all of that? I’ve always love adventure, the kind that gets your heart racing. Those things are... just manifestations of that love. What would you say is the most exciting thing that’s happened to you? Well, aside from having my kids, I would say the time I was given the Teacher of the Year award. It was all set up at Dodger Stadium; I was given the award there in front of everyone. It was amazing! ?